All In One Powder
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A state-of-the-art agricultural tool called All In One Powder is intended to help farmers combat difficult infections. designed to offer prompt response, protect crops, and guarantee maximum harvests.
Key Features:
- Effective Pest Control: All In One delivers robust pest control, targeting a broad spectrum systemic having quick stomach and contact action and is recommended to use to control Stem Borer, Gall Midge, Leaf folder, Brown Planthopper, White and Backed Plant Hopper, Green Leaf Hopper, Thrips, Jassids, Aphids, Whiteflies and other pests.
- Effective Fungal Control: Effective to control every type of Fungus. It prevents fungal cells through inhibition of cell membrane biosynthesis and cellular respiration. Effective to control Scab, Powdery Mildew, Purple Blotch, Anthracnose, Die Back, Blast Sheat Blight.
- Effective Bacterial Control: All In One Powder is very effective when applied after the crop is infected and hence has good curative action against bacterial infection in crops. Effective on Bacterial Leaf Blight of rice, Bacterial Leaf Spot, Angular Leaf Spot, Stem Canker.
Dosage: Use 2-3 grms/ 1 litre of water and spray as an when required on crop.
Address of origin: Sun Agri Export Co., Sr No: 1119/2, Nr. Priya Cinema, Krishnanagar, Naroda, Ahmedabad 382345, Gujarat.